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Asian Lady Beetle up close white background - Keep pests away from your property with Bug Out in FL

Asian Lady Beetle

Actual Size: 6 to 10 mm

Characteristics: Mustard-yellow to a dark reddish-orange. Spots on the wing covers, but in some species, the spots are absent.

Legs: 6

Antennae: Yes

Wings: Yes

Habitat: Can be found in crops, attics, wall voids, and on the side of homes and buildings.


  • Slightly larger than typical ladybugs.
  • Dark “M” shaped marking on the pronotum, behind the head.
  • As a defense mechanism, they will release a yellow, foul-smelling substance from joints.

Asian Lady Beetles in Jacksonville FL

The multicolored Asian lady beetle was introduced into the United States from Asia to control aphids, scale, and other crop pests from 1978 to 1981. It is now widely distributed across the nation. Asian lady beetles may enter homes in large numbers and have become consistent overwintering pests in buildings and homes.

Asian Lady Beetle Habitat

This species is a voracious predator of crop pests and produces several generations per year. Their tendency to aggregate and ability to enter structures often causes this insect to become a significant structural pest. Hundreds and even thousands of these beetles have been found in and on homes. Asian lady beetles can be found in attics, wall voids, on siding, inside closets, and may be attracted to light.

Asian Lady Beetle Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Although Asian lady beetles may bite, their bite does not seriously injure humans or spread diseases. If handled or crushed, they will emit a foul odor and leave a stain. In fall, beetles seek out crevices and protected areas around homes to spend the winter, congregating in attics, wall cavities, cracks around door frames, and within soffits and wall voids. If a large number of beetles gain access inside of homes, they can stain drapery and clothing. Asian lady beetles cannot survive sub-freezing temperatures, although they can survive within homes and buildings that provide adequate warmth and humidity. If you are dealing with an infestation, always contact a licensed beetle exterminator.