A beautiful lawn adds to the enjoyment of your outdoor living area, and caring for your lawn, including proper watering, will provide the optimal experience.
So when is the best time to water your lawn? Most lawn experts agree that the best time to water your lawn is early in the morning. By early, they mean before 8 a.m. However, that rule of thumb may not be a constant, especially when it comes to treating or caring for the lawn. Let’s take a closer look at lawn health, and watering.
Water Early In The Morning
The rationale for watering early in the morning revolves around sun damage. Little droplets of water on blades of grass can act like a magnifying glass and cause the incoming sun rays to burn the grass blades. That is one reason watering in the afternoon is not a good idea. Another reason to water in the morning is to prevent lawn fungus and other fungal diseases that attack grasses. Fungal spores are transported by the air, so if the grass is wet, the fungus sticks to the grass blades, and fungal disease can start. Watering at night is a bad idea for that same reason. The lawn does not dry out quickly and fungus, which can grow amazingly fast, has a perfect habitat in which to grow. So for these reasons, watering your lawn early in the morning is ideal.
Treating Lawns For Pests
Lawns attract many different types of pests, including the fungal kind mentioned above. Watering in the morning may not always be the best time to water you lawn. If you are treating soil-borne pests, consider applying the pesticide later in the afternoon where it will have time to work longer before drying out. If you are using a water-soluble pesticide, consider watering in the late afternoon and allowing the lawn to remain wet overnight. The pesticide will have more time to seep deeper into the soil where it will do a better job. These instances of watering at night or in the evening are exceptions to the early morning water rule of thumb. Another option would be using time release pesticide granules. The experts at Bug Out can help you find the perfect solution for all of your lawn and pest problems.
Speak with a Bug Out professional about seasonal applications of pest management programs. In so doing, you can eliminate pest including mosquitoes, fleas, chiggers, ants and beetles. Timing is everything and the experts at Bug Out can help you master pest control for your lawn.
Fertilizing A Lawn
Fertilizers can also burn your lawn both from incoming solar radiation and from chemicals. If you are using liquid fertilizers, apply approximately a 1/4 inch of water to lawn within 24 hours of the treatment schedule and then water the lawn again very lightly about an hour later. The idea is to wash the fertilizer off of the blades of grass, but not to wash the fertilizer away. For granulated fertilizers and time released fertilizers, spread them out the day before and allow your normal watering system to wash them into the soil below the root zone where they will be most beneficial.
Here Is To The Perfect Summer Lawn!
If you need help getting your summer lawn looking lush and green, call Bug Out today. We can help you with any issue that occurs with your lawn.